
Creating a Culture of Compliance in Healthcare with Training

To create a culture of compliance, employees have to understand why the compliance training assigned to them is necessary and important. The goal is to create a culture with a sense of shared responsibility where employees feel, “We're all in the same boat regardless of our position.”

April 1st, 2021


Strategies to Improve Health Literacy

There is an undeniable link between health literacy and health outcomes, but few Americans have the proficiency needed to manage their health. Here are some suggestions for improving it.

April 1st, 2021


Effects of poor communication between nurses & doctors & other providers

Learn how the effects of poor communication in healthcare between nurses, healthcare professionals, and providers occur for a variety of reasons from HealthStream.

April 1st, 2021


Best Practices for Creating a Healthcare Compliance Training Program

Effective compliance training that incorporates the best practices contained in this blog post and the more extensive article on which it is based can help employees understand their obligations and make every staff member an extension of the compliance team.

April 1st, 2021


How to Become a Healthcare Compliance Officer

The career outlook for healthcare compliance careers is very promising. A few years ago, The Wall Street Journal labeled compliance officer the hottest job in America.

April 1st, 2021


What Are Some of the Typical Positions in Healthcare Compliance?

Compliance jobs exist across many industries, but job duties and responsibilities for them are remarkably similar, regardless of where you work. . Here some of the typical positions representative of a healthcare compliance program.

April 1st, 2021


What is Revenue Cycle in Healthcare?

The healthcare revenue cycle is integral to facility stability, so a well-rounded training and continuing education approach must be taken to ensure full staff understanding and buy-in.

April 1st, 2021


Understanding the Primary Nursing Care Model

Explore the Primary Nursing Care Model. Understand its benefits, principles, and implementation to enhance patient care and nursing satisfaction.

April 1st, 2021


Respiratory Care Week Means Time to Slow Down, Take a Breath, and Look at Prevention

Respiratory Care Week is a great opportunity to study the specific illnesses related to the lungs, as well as the many ways they can be prevented.

April 1st, 2021


3 Guidelines for Mentoring New Graduate Nurses

Learn how to be successful at mentoring nurses, one must refrain from providing too much assistance or too little in the effort, from HealthStream.

April 1st, 2021


Improve Healthcare By Performance-Guided Learning

Learn how playing to employees’ strengths through performance-based learning, when properly implemented, can help achieve operational goals from HealthStream

April 1st, 2021


Millennial, Gen X, & Baby Boomers, How do Their Work Ethics Differ

Understand the variance in work ethics, approach to authority, and collaboration among Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials in healthcare.

April 1st, 2021


Introducing Jane — The First Digital Nurse Advisor

HealthStream has introduced the Jane™, the first-ever AI-based competency assessment solution using a conversational format, to help quickly and accurately onboard both new and experienced nurses.

April 1st, 2021


Home or Facility? The Pros and Cons of In-Home Medical Care

There is no “one size fits all’ option for deciding who can receive in-home health care vs. moving to a care facility, but by exploring specific needs, costs and local option, a plan of action can be created.

April 1st, 2021


Home Health Care vs. Hospital Care

The move toward value-based care may have us seeing home health care as a treatment option with even more benefits for patients and outcomes. Cost, clinical results and patient comfort may support providing higher levels of care at home.

April 1st, 2021


Validating the Jane Competency System AI Critical Thinking Assessments

This blog post describes HealthStream’s study to assess the validity of the Jane™ competency system’s AI critical thinking assessments as an evaluative tool in scoring responses of RNs in situations where critical judgment is required.

April 1st, 2021


Performance Measurement To Improve Patient Access Management

Learn why patient access managers and operations should be measured on KPIs to monitor quality, process, financial, and customer service, from HealthStream.

April 1st, 2021


What a New Nurse Can Expect in the First Month on the Job

A new nurse’s first month on the job can be exciting and perilous, so it’s important that they, and their new employer, take a deliberate approach to those crucial early days of onboarding.

April 1st, 2021


Use Feedback to Improve Engagement in the Healthcare Workplace

Millennials make up the largest generation working in healthcare, and their numbers and predominance will only continue to grow. That’s why it is important for healthcare managers to learn how to make regular communication about performance work, specifically for millennials.

April 1st, 2021


11 Clinical Privileging Best Practices

Peruse our review of best practices related to defining and formatting clinical privileges from AI to mentoring in internal medicine, from HealthStream.

April 1st, 2021

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